I am currently involved in keeping an online journal to lose the last ten pounds to reach my weight goal. (Many thanks to Tonya for her inspiration) I have been putting this exercise off for some time. Putting the journal out there for all to see may strengthen my resolve to "stick to it"; it would be so easy to say it really doesn't matter,.......but it does...........:
Monday: Day to 10 lb loss (let's be optimistic) forgot bs before breakfast
Breakfast @ 8:00 a.m 1 small ruby red grapefruit with 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt with 1 tbsp flax seed, 8 almonds, and two drops of liquid Stevia. One large cup EG tea with 2 tbsp 1% organic milk and 2 drops Stevia.
Exercise: 5 push ups
BS level 108 11: 30 (that's blood sugar!.. not BullS#!!...)
Lunch@ 12:00: 2 cup mixed green salad (artisan lettuce, 1/2 tomato, onion, (both red and green) 1/2 small avocado, garlic, blue cheese dressing (home made with mayo, buttermilk, sour cream; (about 1 tbsp total). 1 round artisan Mediterranean olive bread (NH), and 1 regular cup green tea.
Exercise: 2/3 AARP+ series (post 11/16/15)
Dinner: 5:00 Small whole bean burrito with avocado, cheese, salsa
Mixed blackberry/kiwi fruit salad, 4 oz rose wine
Snack 7:30 1 cup mixed spinach and artisan lettuce greens
1/2 organic carrot
1 small cremini mushroom, broiled
2 squares 82% dark chocolate, remaining 1/3 AARP
Bedtime 12:05 (Too late, need to be in bed no later than 11:00 p.m., 10:00 better)
reason: too long on phone, got home too late, need to plan better
Tuesday, bs taken at 7:45; Hooray, 107!! Put battery in scale..weight 134.4
Breakfast@8:30: 1/2 cup Cajun fried jicama (1 tbsp olive oil), 1 free range whole egg with 1 cremini mushroom, 2 tbsp packed baby spinach, 1 tbsp green pepper, 1 scallion, 1 oz MJ cheese, all topped with 2 tbsp mixed raw onion, cilantro, and fresh tomato. One large cup IB tea, 2 tbsp 1% organic milk, 2 drops Stevia
Exercise; 2 sets AARP Marching
Mid-morning break: (elevenses?) 11:00 (behind on exercise, morning routine, why?)
1 round of Mediterranean olive toasted with 1'2 avocado, glass of lemon
Exercise: 1 set AARP marching, 1 set high kick
(it is one of those mornings where I cannot complete any task; something interrupts)
Lunch: 1:00 1 cup Geneva Pumpkin Soup, 1 slice ww euro bread,
Break 2:30 1 cup Broccoli salad (pecans, apple, onion, cranberry, o/bv, green tea
Exercise: Remainer of AARP routine
Dinner: 7:00 2 cups Perry wet salad (lettuce, tomato, onion, radish, garlic, mayo),
2 4 inch hashed vegetable patties (potato, zucchini, carrot, bell, egg, flour, herbs)
4 oz steamed/fried cod, 1/2 cup mixed berries, 2 sq dark chocolate, 4 oz red wine.
8:00 Rice cake; 10:00 1 large cup chamomile tea
Wednesday: trouble sleeping, couldn't fall asleep until about 12:00 (too much green tea? caffeine? exercise too late?) BS 117
Breakfast@ 7:20 Small bean burrito with avocado, pico de gallo, water.
9:00, banana
exercise: 2-30 second sets of running in place, 3 sets of 12 arm lifts, vacuumed and dusted house
Break: 11:00 Geneva mocha espresso (1 tbsp 100 cacao, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, pinch of red pepper, stevia packet, and 1/4 cup 1% whipped milk)
Lunch 1:30 2- 5 inch hashed veggie patties, 1round ww Euro bread, 1 cup cantaloupe
Break: 1 cup pumpkin soup
Dinner: 6:30 2 cups stir fried vegetables (jicama,squash, carrot, kiwi, 1/2 brown rice cake with 1 tsp almond butter
8:30 1 cup herbal tea
Thursday: BS 121 @ 7:00 a.m. good sleep, would have liked numbers to have been a little lower but I was so tired (lack of sleep) that I did not do usual activities..went to bed.
Breakfast: Quinoa Breakfast bowl (1/2 cup plain lf yogurt, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup cooked quinoa, 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce, 2 tbsp flax seed, 2 tbsp chopped nut, 1 tbsp dried cranberries (or raisins) 1 cup lemon ginger tea.
20 minutes housework aerobics
10.30 1 bag roasted edame 4 oz, cup water
1:00 lunch: 1 cup butternut squash soup; 1 rice cake with 1 tsp almond butter, 1 euro olive round with 1/2 avodaco, 1 kiwi, 1 glass water
30 seconds running in place
3:00 mini buckwheat pancake; 1 free range chicken thigh, water, 4 sq chocolate
Friday bs 130 (?) 1 round olive bread; 2 tbsp walnut spread. 1 small grapefruit
10:15 large cup EG tea, 2 cups popcorn
30 seconds running in place, 5 pushups
1:15 bean burrito with salsa cup, 1.2 cup mixed berries, glass water
AARP routine
3:00 small walnut tart (2 inch), cup green tea
6:00 1/2 cup home cooked ravioli with 2 cups mixed salad greens (spinach, kale, iceberg)
1/2 roma tomato, 1/2 cuke, 2 radishes, 1/2 stalk celery, 3 scallions, OV
Saturday bs 119
**Worked at girlfriends; did not keep track (forgot it) roughly, Peets Mayan Mocha, pastry,
chorizo burrito, late nite louie salad, chips, and fried fish
Sunday b/s 137 !! yikes, that's the late nite eating on top of pastry and espresso drink;
also, left house on errand early, got side-tracked, did not eat until fast food at 6:00 (sausage egg mcmuffin with no cheese)
Monday: bs level 132: too high. Not a good start to diet evaluation day; (I haven't weighed since last Tuesday) I weighed 134.4, according to my digital scale; this morning I also weighed 134.4. I put a 2 lb weight in my hand, weighed again, and it still read 134.4. I think something may be wrong with my scale, don't you? Looks like I have to buy a new scale, weigh in, and start over !! Blah! I have found that keeping track on-line is harder than my pencil journal, so I think this will be the last on-line week. I will, however, report on my success of losing 5 to 10 pounds (and keeping it off-goal: 125!! (first, it looks like I have to go buy a new scale)
Hello Geneva!
ReplyDeleteLove the color combination on you. I find it great that you are doing push ups, I am over twenty years younger and have not worked up to them yet.So way to "Rock It"!!
Dear Tonya; Just start with one per day!..just one until you feel that was not too much trouble!..then do two..then three..I am up to five and feel much stronger in my upper body. I have heard that upper body strength can be sadly neglected when one gets most of her exercise from lower body regimens such as walking, etc. The same holds true with knee bends. I still do not feel really comfortable doing them, but I know I must.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment on the outfit; with my body type I feel I look my best in monochromatic color schemes; especially those that narrow the central part of my body.