Firstly, anyone who was truly insecure with her figure would never wear a string bikini in a "look at me" print and publish it on Facebook!...especially, if she was obese and afraid of her body exposure. Secondly, obesity is an important HEALTH issue as well as an appearance issue. My advice to this woman would have been to lose the 50+ pounds (or more) necessary to preserve her health. It is certainly my belief that her ability to swim and have fun with her children and/or grandchildren is much more effective with weight loss than her appearance in a swim suit. Advising anyone to "accept" themselves in this condition is a dis-service, at best. (Now, before anyone brings up the fact that "some people can't help it, etc." please remember that pertains to less than 1 % of those who are overweight!)
From a fashion point of view, swimwear for every figure is available in today's market. We have all seen women who are very much over their ideal weight; Oprah Queen Latifah, and other public personalities who always look wonderful. I am seventy three, have wrinkles, veins, etc. that often accompany aging; I am also still overweight, but within a healthy range. To prove the point that any woman CAN find something that can allow her to play with children, grand-children, or even great-grandchildren, I am publishing my picture in a suit that is appropriate for my body type and particular figure challenges. BTW, you don't have to have an in-house chef or a high priced fashion stylist or spend a ton of money on a suit; the suit above is "Lands End" purchased at Sears with an accompanying over wrap; both purchased on sale for a little less than $100.00.
This is the only post that I am publishing on both the "Rockmyages" blog and the "RockmyFitness" blog because I do have some different readership on each site and because I think the issue of weight control is so very important to "Rock Our Age". It is also important from the fashion view point to always remember that no matter the figure challenge, fashion can be used to project a desirable image. Most importantly, it is important to reach a healthy weight goal. Even if it is just adding a few steps to the day, doing just one sit-up or push-up,..just begin. In the meanwhile, fashion can be used to increase confidence and self-image while reaching your goal..I am still trying to lose those last pesky five pounds to get within my personal health weight range.
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