Hello Fashionistas and Stylinistas;
This week my post is written with a heavy heart; the manager of the store where I have a part time seasonal job died of a massive heart attack on Sunday. He died at 61 years of age and is survived by a widow of approximately the same age.
This hits me especially hard because it is the time of year when both my father and my only paternal aunt died during the months of December, (albeit many years ago). I am always reminded of the many dangers that occur during the holiday season which could mostly be avoided. Did you know that the holiday season, especially the "twelve days of Christmas" is the worst time of year for heart attacks?; the worst day of the year is Christmas?
I really do not like being a "wet blanket" on a jolly season but if this reminder prevents only one heart attack, it will be worth it.
A known trigger for attacks is the heavy meals often served on Christmas day after a season of holiday stress and often, lack of sleep. Obviously, the mature population is at the greatest risk.
Heart attacks are not the only danger during this season. The greatest percentage of fire deaths is caused by flaming Christmas trees, over Six thousand people are treated in the emergency room for cutting and stabbing wounds related to the packaging of toys and presents. Over Five thousand people are treated for serious decorating mishaps such as falling off ladders, chairs, etc., and the Christmas and New Years traffic accidents take a heavy toll on the emergency rooms.
PLEASE be careful this holiday season; please remember the mature population is at the greatest risk.
Have a SAFE and sane holiday season...............Geneva
in so sorry to hear about your boss. condolences for your loss. thank you for helping me to remain mindful about my food intake and choices this holiday season
ReplyDeleteThank you, Val...It really is a shock, but I do think about the risks every year at this time. By the way, have you seen the new Mark Hyman book? You might find it interesting.