Being a type II diabetic means I always have to keep control of my weight, my exercise, sleep habits, and general well being. I admit that sometimes this really can be a challenge. Generally being "a glass half full rather than half empty" kind of person, I keep in mind that I will always look better if I keep all these elements in some kind of control. Obviously, I can get rather frustrated when I know I AM trying my very best and yet I am not succeeding. These past ten days my blood sugar readings have been unacceptably high although I have been eating properly and maintaining my exercise routine; I have been having difficulty getting sufficient sleep and been under more than normal stress, both factors that are much more difficult to control.
However, difficult though it may be, it is necessary for me to keep my blood sugar levels under control without increasing the pharmaceutical intake; that means diet and exercise; that means I must "keep movin", that means I must take personal responsibility for keeping my numbers down if I don't want to take more medicines.
My friends Connie and Virginia are also dedicated to maintaining their health. Virginia is several years older than I am and is concerned with her weight gain during recovery from knee surgery. Connie and her husband (also a member of our exercise class) meet three times a week at 8:30 for one hour to exercise, usually using a You Tube workout. Below you see us exercising to Jane Fonda's "Fit and Strong", one of our favorite routines. We perform both sessions.