Saturday, July 16, 2016

Mature Fashion: Fashion as Pharm

Getting dressed every day is exactly like taking medicine; if you have the right prescription and are administering it correctly, you receive the benefits.  In fact, there have been many articles written stating mood elevation caused by a fashion make-over, spa treatment, etc. can be as significant as psycho-therapy!!  

I recently had another conversation with a woman in my age group who was basically 'trashing' the entire fashion industry and detailing her abhorance of current fashion, disgust with the 'frivolity'. etc. (unfortunately, this happens all too often when someone finds out I write a fashion blog). I was immediately reminded of "Miranda Priestley's" ("Devil wears Prada") response to the character played by Anne Hathaway when she trivialized the fashion industry. I am taking another page from the same notebook without all the financial impact, employment stats, etc. 

Unless you are a full time nudist, EVERYONE WEARS CLOTHES;  Fashion is NOT trivial in any way, especially when it come to our mental health.  Almost every woman is affected by her mirror; some so much she may refuse to look at herself in it!  Confidence levels are measurably and demonstrably affected with how a woman feels about the way she looks.

We all put on clothes when we begin our day, and we all take off our clothes at the end of the day. Clothes mark the milestones and journeys of our lives.

Unfortunately, many women who now have a "mature" figure feel that the best years have passed them by.  (almost all women who are 40+ do not have the same figure they had in the previous decade; all too many resign themselves to "what used to be, sigh, enter into a low level depression and defensively "give up...and why bother")

A sad reality is the woman's unhappiness with her physical attributes at forty, but she would long for that same body when she reaches fifty.  Another sad reality is that same woman can ALWAYS improve her appearance significantly by making fashion her friend rather than ignoring its benefits. Fashion is a woman's best friend; it can make her feel youthful and vibrant. It can actually give her a boost in confidence, and also a boost in the good endorphins that improve our mood, reduce pain symptoms, and generally feel better.  It is also a great emotional boost (those endorphins again) when her mature and fluid life takes a downturn such as in divorce, loss of career dreams, and even the loss of a loved one.  

No, fashion is NOT trivial.  It can provide a visual loss of almost twenty pounds; it can warm skin tones adding vibrancy and a glow of youthful health.  Both Beau Brummel and Audrey Hepburn are famous for taking as long as two hours to dress for an event, then never looking at themselves while wearing their clothing; that's confidence.  We can apply that advice knowing we look great and feeling great because we know it; best of all, when we know we look great in our clothes, then we can forget about clothes.  Looking great and feeling great is an important component in both physical and mental health!.

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