Happy Holidays, Fashionistas and Stylinistas;
Well, the stress level just got bumped up a notch; tomorrow is Christmas Eve; Hanukkah is over, but we now have the Twelve Days of Christmas right before us. Now is the time to decide which of the chores left to do just are not going to get done!!
Really, our energy level should not support the efforts that may still be required to make that "perfect" Christmas. It is time to take a deep breath and remember that good health is the most valuable gift you can give your family and friends. Make time for yourself to just chill out for a few minutes every few hours.
Try to take twenty minutes a day from now until January 6th just to sit quietly, close your eyes and relax. Even better, have a cup of tea or coffee or cocoa either before or after. Try very hard to get enough sleep during this time frame
Do your minimum exercise routine every day. If you can manage more, so much the better. Plan to do some gentle stretching routines just before bed and immediately upon arising. (If you have any existing medical condition that might interfere with the stretching or exercise, check with your doctor, first)
It is the holiday season and food is everywhere, and almost all the time. Please enjoy those items you really love but in smaller quantities, and if you don't love it, consider getting rid of it after the first bite! Remember that animal products are one of the least of the heart healthy foods; consider filling up on heart healthy choices.
We will have many more tips, suggestions, after the holidays.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,everyone.
Geneva White...........Rockmyages@aol.com